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作者:admin 更新时间:2025-03-11


哈喽,小伙伴们!今天咱们来聊聊这个超级实用的英语单词 "Agree"。别看它小,用法可多了去了!

1. "Agree with" 我完全同意你的看法!

这个用法简单到不能再简单了。比如说,你和兄弟讨论某个话题,你同意他的见解,就可以说:“I quite agree with you.”(我完全同意你的看法。)

2. "Agree with...适宜于..."

这个用法有点特别,比如你吃了个物品,觉得不太舒服,就可以说:“The food does not agree with me.”(这食物对我不适合。)

3. "Agrees with...一致..."

这个用法也很实用,比如说,你说:“His story agrees with the facts.”(他的陈述和事实相符。)

4. "Agree to...同意..."

这个用法有点复杂,比如:“We agreed to leave early.”(大家同意早些出发。)这里的 “to” 是不定式符号,表示同意做某事。

5. "Agree on...商定..."

这个用法是指双方通过协商达成一致,比如:“Can we agree on a price(a date)?”(大家能不能商定壹个价格(日期)?)

扩展资料:更多 "Agree" 的用法

1. "Agree upon" 达成协议;意见一致

例:You don’t have to agree upon everything.(你不必在每件事务上取得别人的同意。)

2. "Agree about" 对;达成协议

例:They all agree about it.(他们都同意这件事。)

3. "Agree together" 同意一起;一起议定

例:But neither so did their witness agree together.(他们就这样作见证,也是各不相合。)

4. "Agree you" 同意无论兄弟们;同意你

例:Do you agree you can get the computer information easily now?(你同意现在可以容易地得到和PC产品相关的资讯吗?)

5. "Agree more" 同意更;更加同意

例:Yeah, can't agree more, my man! You never know what is waiting for you.(是的,完全同意,我的兄弟!你永远不了解下一秒是啥子在等你。)

6. "Astronomers Agree" 天文学家一致认为

例:Both astronomers and astrologers agree on this bit.(在这一点上天文学家和占星家暂时可以握手言和。)

7. "Agree Contract" 认定合同

例:If both sides agree, the contract can be renewed annually.(如果双方同意,合同可以每年重订一次。)

"Agree" 是个超级实用的英语单词,掌握好它的用法,你的英语水平肯定能上壹个新台阶!




比如,大家可以说:“I agree with you on this point.”(我同意你的这个见解。)这里的“with”就一个介词,连接了“agree”和后面的宾语。


1. The dampness of the forest did not agree with him physically.(森林的潮湿让他身体不适。)

2. It remains to be seen whether her parliamentary colleagues will agree.(她的国会同僚是否同意,现在还不了解。)

3. I think you'd agree he's a very respected columnist.(我想你同意,他是个备受尊敬的专栏作家。)

4. You and I are going to have to agree to disagree then.(那你我只能各自保留不同意见了。)

5. They had little choice but to agree to what he suggested.(他们别无选择,只好接受他的提议。)

6. You look great, Brian. The Bahamas certainly agree with you.(你看上去气色好极了,布赖恩。巴哈马显然很适合你。)

7. Britain does not agree and neither do Denmark, Portugal and Ireland.(英国不同意,丹麦、葡萄牙和爱尔兰也持反对意见。)

8. At first we chatted agreeably about his trips to London and Paris.(一开始,大家愉快地聊起他的伦敦和巴黎之行。)

9. This effectively means that the government does not agree with the proposals.(这实际上就意味着政府不赞同这些提议。)

10. I strongly suspect that most ordinary people would agree with me.(我坚决地认为绝大部分老百姓会赞同我的见解。)

11. In his heart he knew they'd agree with his stand.(他内心明白他们会赞成他的立场。)

12. What on earth had possessed her to agree to marry him?(到底是啥子让她同意嫁给他的?)

13. I heartily agree with her favourable comments on Germany and France.(我特别赞同她对德国和法国的好评。)

14. It is unlikely that the rebels will agree to demobilise.(叛军不太也许会同意解散武装。)

15. I see your point but I'm not sure I agree with you.(我明白你的见解,但恐怕我不能苟同。)
